Last night after I blogged the three of us went for a walk in the conservation park. It was an amazing 24 C outside and perfect weather for walking. On our way into the park we saw a bunch of Koalas sleeping in the trees. (Which makes sense since they are nocturnal.)
We decided to take the path to Giants Cave, which was at the top of a set of stairs.
When we were getting ready to leave we suddenly heard this loud growling noise coming from who knows where. Hilary and I were a little shaken, but Morgan was content to continue taking self portraits. She said she wasn't worried cause she would just take off running. Well eventually we walked back down the steps and made it out of the park, at a quick pace. When we got back to our rooms we immediately searched online to try to figure out what it could have been. All we could find was a Growling Frog. Imagine how silly we felt. I went to bed pretty quickly last night since our morning seemed to be pretty early again today.
This morning we headed to the Magill office for a WHOLE days worth of training. The training was required for anyone working with children, which we will be, and was about Manditory reporting for child abuse. It was strange because I know that I contributed ideas that I've learned through various activities and courses I've participated in which were new to the presenter and others taking this training. The training lasted from 9am to 5pm and definitely felt that long. At the end of the day, though, we got to go to the last international Cricket match of the season. It was great. We were told to try to sit "on the hill," which turned out to be a well known place.
It was a lot of fun learning about Cricket, which actually has a lot of rules and is quite complicated. We went with a man named Jon that we've met through Glynde Lutheran Church and he was kind enough to explain about the game. We ended up winning in the end and it was great. The most fun part of the night, though, was getting to get a little insight into some of the young adult culture here. It turns out its much like that atmosphere of sporting events in the US. The area where we were sitting was predominantly from our age group and they were enjoying themselves. There were a couple fights and the police made frequent stops in the area. At one point the group started what they call the Mexican wave here which is the same as the wave we use in the US, except that as it goes by everyone throws their beer cups or whatever they are holding in the air. It was apparently banned for a while because of this, but it went over fairly well tonight. All in all it was an insightful night.
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